GReEN STORE(実店舗・本店)
場所は都営浅草線 東日本橋駅から徒歩約3分、お店の外観は名前の通りGreenです。
The Main store is only 3 minutes walk from Higashi Nihonbashi Station. The Store is colored in green, just like the store name.
CBD GReEN Store代官山店情報はコチラから
The store is filled with plants, selected by the owner, and constantly expanding the collection.
店内はApple Storeのような清潔感と雑貨屋のような雑多感を融合させた不思議な雰囲気を意識しております。特に目に付くのは大きなカウンターと椅子。社長曰く、座りながらテイスティングができるようにしたくて椅子は座り心地を追求してこだわりました。取り扱い製品の豊富さも国内トップクラス!そして何より1,000円(税別)でCBD試し放題というオリジナルメニューが注目されております。
The concept of the interior is “Apple Store” x “Variety Store”, combining “Clean” and “Wild”. You’ll be surprised how large the counter is. The owner has selected the chairs purposely for comfort, so that you can comfortably sit while you enjoy our tasting course. Our tasting course is only ¥1,100 including tax. The variety of products in store is also Top Class in Japan.
We have two choices for the Tasting - “A La Carte” and “Course”.
A La Carte - You chose what you want to try from our products in-store. Recommended if you are only interested in Vapes, or a specific brand. Note that some products may not be eligible for tasting.
Course - We provide a range of CBD products from oil, gummies, vapes and other. Recommended if you are new to CBD, or have tried and you are curious to learn more about CBD.
A La Carte Menu
The most popular Menu is the Course. This is an original course selected by GReEN. Once you’ve finished the course, you’ll have a lot of knowledge about CBD.
CBD Course
※Products total value approximately ¥150,000.
Note that some products may vary from the photo.
CBD Tasting Course
After you have gone through the reception, you will be guided to your seat. Once you are seated, we will explain what CBD is, using a tablet. Below you will find our Course Menu.
First in the course we have CBD gummies by CBDFX. One gummy contains 25mg of CBD.
Here you may chose between the 2 flavours, Mix Berry or Turmeric / Spirulina. They are both popular.
Next is the CBD oil, which you will taste using a disposable spoon. With the Course Menu, you will be able to try 6 different types of CBD oil. While you taste the oil, we will explain what cannabinoids are, and also how the 6 oil differ from each other.
The two oils on the left are Isolate. The rest are Broad Spectrum oil.
こちらは ChillBearのペンをご用意。
We will show you how to take the oil, so don’t worry!
When you are finished with the oil, we’ll move on to the vapes and cartridges. Starting with the lightest product, the disposable vapes.
Here are the disposable vapes from Chillibear.
With as many as 11 different flavors, we are sure you will find one that pleases you. These vapes are perfect for beginners. If you don’t have experience with cigarettes or shisha, you may be afraid to inhale, but these are rather very light, perfect for practice. You may try all of them if you wish.
If you don’t mind inhaling, we move on the the liquid type. These are made to be inhaled, and you will need a separate device to smoke. We will provide you with a disposable mouth piece to put on the tip for hygiene.
こちらは定番の PharmaHempのEリキッド「グリーンアップル」フレーバーです。青リンゴの甘酸っぱい風味が特徴的なリキッドです。
Here is the E-Liquid from PharmaHemp. The flavor is Green Apple. Sweet and a little sour.
次はカートリッジ。High Flying Remedyのカートリッジ2種類と PharmaHemp の 「パインミント」フレーバーのカートリッジになります。
Next we have the cartridges. You will be able to try 2 flavors from High Flying Remedy and 1 flavor from Pharma Hemp.
High Flying Remedy が0.5mlで5,500円でお手頃、PharmaHempは1mlで14,800円ととても高級品です。「これが吸い放題なんて…」とここぞとばかりにいっぱい吸う人もいらっしゃいますが無理矢理いっぱい吸った人は皆さん咳込んでしまいます。
Compared to the previous products, the cartridges may be a little bit more harsh to the throat. This harshness to the throat is what we call “Kick”. A lot of users prefer when there is a certain amount of Kick, but if you prefer something smoother you can always skip.Although, it’s always a good experience to try something new!
High Flying Remedy cartridges are sold at ¥5,940 for 0.5ml, and Pharma Hemp cartridge at ¥14,800 for 1ml. Customers tend to get excited and smoke as much as possible, but eventually end up coughing.
Next in the course is the wax. Here we have CBD wax from OrganiCBD.
A lot of people are familiar with the wax, but most have no clue how it works. Simply put, wax is a very highly concentrated form of CBD. Don’t be afraid, a high concentration doesn’t always mean it will be harsh to the throat. On the opposite, most people will find that the wax is actually smoother.
Very popular item for ones that want to take their time and relax. It requires a bit more effort to use, but the connoisseurs love the natural flavor and its effect.
そして、コースの最後がバーム。Sakura CBDの3種類のバームを試してもらいます。
Finally, the last in the Course, CBD skin balm. Here we have 3 different products from Sakura CBD.
You may try all of them, or just the ones you prefer. Skin balm is used by applying directly to the skin, the CBD is then absorbed through the skin. Each balm has a different purpose and different aroma, we are sure that you’ll find one that you like. The price is ¥7,920 each.
Once finished with the course, you’ve ingested about 70mg of CBD. In general, this is quite a large amount. But no need to worry, you won’t have any problems getting back home, or feeling sick. On the contrary, you should feel a bit relaxed, lazy, and/or good mood.