
People who are interested in CBD oil and are considering purchasing it. If you've picked it up and don't know how to use it, please read on.

First of all, I think that you will feel that "correct usage and intake of CBD oil" is ambiguous at the beginning of purchase.

So, in this article, we will explain how to take CBD oil and how much to take .

when to take cbd oil

The time, or timing, of taking CBD oil is up to the individual. It means you'll be fine anytime . However, depending on your physical condition, it may increase drowsiness, so take it little by little during work or before driving (while driving).

I think most people who take CBD have some sort of problem.

For those who have trouble sleeping , it is recommended to take it before going to bed at night. If possible, take it one hour after getting out of the bath or two hours before going to bed. This puts you in a relaxed state and makes it easier to fall asleep. (Please note that if you operate your smartphone after going to bed, your sympathetic nerves will work and it will be difficult to sleep.)

If you want to improve your performance at work, take a small amount after coming to work and work on it. You can relax your whole body and concentrate. If you take it during your lunch break, you will often feel sleepy in the afternoon, so we recommend taking it again around 15:00 when the food in your stomach is digested.

If you suffer from anxiety or physical pain, we recommend taking it before waking up in the morning and eating breakfast. For those who are concerned about the bitterness, taking it with honey will soften the bitterness.

One point advice is to take it on an empty stomach . After eating, there is a lot of food in the stomach, so the intake efficiency is poor. It is recommended to take before meals for better intake efficiency.

About intake

At first, I think everyone feels uneasy about "overdose" . However, the side effects of overdosing on CBD are few and far between, if anything, “increased sleepiness.” In addition, research results have been announced that it is safe to ingest 1500 mg of CBD per day .

If you take 1500mg per day, you have to use up one bottle of PharmaHemp high concentration paste (30% CBD Amber Paste) . Since it is not realistic, there is no particular caution about overdose.

For those who want to experience it immediately or who have severe troubles, please take 5mg of body weight as a guideline. (Example: 50kg x 5 = 250mg/day)

Since there are individual differences in how you feel, we recommend that first-time users do not take a large amount from the beginning, but start with a small amount and gradually increase the intake.

Ingestion example

For Minami

The recommended dose of CBD oil is

2 drops in the morning, 2 drops in the afternoon, 6 drops in the evening

We recommend that you change your intake each week to determine your own appropriate amount. Depending on how often you take it, 10ml of CBD oil will last you 10-30 days.

In general, 1 to 5 mg of body weight per day is a guideline.

A 50kg body weight will give you 50mg to 250mg of CBD. In some cases, 50mg or less is sufficient, and in some cases, 250mg or more does not lead to improvement. Please find the appropriate amount and method by adjusting the amount by yourself according to the degree of symptoms.

People who don't feel anything usually tend to consume less . In that case, it is common to take at least 25 mg of CBD per day , and if you have a severe problem, you should take about 50 to 250 mg of CBD per day .

For first-time CBD users, we recommend PharmaHemp CBD 6.6% Oil 10ml. 10ml of PharmaHemp CBD 6.6% oil contains approximately 1.5mg of CBD per drop. (1 drop of dropper is about 0.04ml)

If you take 25mg of CBD per day as a guide, it will be about 17 drops / day, which will be about 16 days. If you take 250mg of CBD as a guideline, it will be about 167 drops / day, which will take about 2 days.

It will disappear quickly, so we recommend starting with a small amount at first or using it at a pinpoint, such as before going to bed.

5 to 10 drops before going to bed would be ideal.

Explanation of intake method

CBD oil is taken orally , so it is taken by mouth.

At that time, by dripping it on the back of the tongue, it will be absorbed from the oral mucosa and directly penetrate into the capillaries. In addition, you can increase the intake efficiency by "fixing it on the back of the tongue" for about 1 to 2 minutes .

why do you keep it on the back of your tongue

This is because it has the effect of warming the oil (it is easier to absorb) and where capillaries are concentrated.

Points to take

A common method of ingestion is to suck CBD oil with the dropper on the cap and drop it "directly" on the back of the tongue or under the tongue. However, it takes a little getting used to dropping directly under the tongue from the dropper. Also, it tends to be difficult to tell how many drops have been applied. I think it's safer to check with a mirror first. If you have a partner, let them support you.

When it is difficult to drop directly on the back of the tongue

For those who find it difficult to drop the CBD oil directly under the tongue, please drop the amount of CBD oil on a spoon once before ingesting it. At this time, it is more effective to temporarily hold CBD oil on the back of the tongue and promote absorption from the capillaries on the back of the tongue.

*A spoon is attached to those who purchased oil products at our store.

If you don't like the unique bitter taste

CBD oil has a strong bitter taste. There is also a feeling that you are eating wild vegetables and wild grasses. (Mugwort and butterbur)

This bitterness can be clearly divided into likes and dislikes. If it is difficult to keep CBD oil in your mouth because it is bitter, you can take it with honey, olive oil, etc. in your mouth while suppressing the bitterness.

Also, if you are concerned about the aftertaste, drinking yogurt, lactic acid beverages, soy milk, etc. after taking CBD oil will reduce the bitterness.


People using CBD oil for the first time may have some concerns, but if you understand how much and how to take it, you can't go wrong.


Ideally, 1 to 5 mg of body weight per day. (5 to 10 drops are OK)

Ingestion method

It can be taken directly orally ( under the tongue) or by accumulating in a spoon .

First, find the amount and timing that suits you. It's fun to find a more comfortable way to take it once you get used to it. By the way, it was delicious even when mixed with tomato juice.

We, the GReEN staff, also hope that you will be able to alleviate the worries you are currently having. If you have any concerns, no matter how trivial, please feel free to contact the CBD GReEN Store.


株式会社Green 代表取締役荘司晃久
国内初のCBDテイスティング専門店CBD GReEN Storeの社長。元は音響エンジニアリング(PAエンジニア)として活躍。アメリカでCBD製品に出会い、麻という植物の持つポテンシャルを安心・安全に活かすために、国内最大級のCBDをテイスティングできる専門店をオープン。ユーザーのニーズにあったCBD製品を届けることができるように、海外を飛び回ってCBD製品の買い付けをしている。YouTube・Twitter・Instagram・FacebookなどでCBDに関する情報を発信中。